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This Is How You Attract Your Desires

Jul 12, 2023

“What we choose to focus on and what we choose to ignore — plays in defining the quality of our life.”

It is not a coincidence that you are reading this email.

If you have been patiently waiting to attract the results from the energy you've been projecting...but nothing seems to be happening, this could be your answer.

It's time to open yourself up to limitless possibilities, by using your emotions as your divine guidance system. 

You see, our emotions (the way we feel) are always telling us our point of attraction.

  • When you are feeling joyful, excited, hopeful, or optimistic, you are drawing your desires closer;

  • When you feeling angry, frustrated, disappointed, or judgmental, you are moving further away.

Keep yourself in check by reworking your thoughts to work for you, instead of against you.

When something feels terrible to think about… stop thinking about it, and turn to a better feeling thought by visualizing something that makes you happier.

You don't have to move mountains, but anything to get you out of the spiral & into a more positive state of mind. 

The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

You owe it to yourself to see what unfolds when you shy away from what you don’t want, and align yourself to what you do want.

You have more power than you could ever imagine, and you always have a choice. 

Be confident in yourself and make decisions in favor of your divine & ultimate happiness.

Ask yourself...

  • Do I like the way I am feeling? 
  • What I am doing? 
  • Who I am BEing?   

If so, keep going.

If not, be true to yourself and make a change.

End what isn’t working, so you can bring in more of what does.

Close your eyes & ask your heart what you want, then go for it my love!


The universe fully supports you. 


And So. Do. I!